We are one of the most affordable payroll services in the industry.
Whether you are considering outsourcing your payroll for the first time or would like to change your payroll service providers, SGP Payroll offers great value.
With the ever changing rules and regulations concerning payroll processing, we fill in the expertise that you may not have. In addition, we’ll keep you informed about new payroll developments that may affect your business and employees
To provide a quality and cost effective Payroll Bureau Service to support our commitment and dedication to Internet Accountant’s own clients.
Our payroll service soon became the Payroll Bureau Services choice of our clients.
As any good business proprietor grew so did our Payroll Bureau, both in size and complexity. The nature of our business meant there were many variables in our payroll service and no two payroll runs were ever alike. As any good owner would, our clients chose to concentrate their efforts on the core of their businesses and leave the payroll processing to us.
Our Vision
Having recruited new and experienced payroll staff, updating our payroll processing software and creating a new system that could accommodate our clients unique requirements, we were confident we could offer a superior service and thus, it wasn’t long before we became experts in every aspect of payroll processing.
We also knew there were many other businesses like yours that were looking for a payroll company willing to accommodate the needs of small to medium sized businesses. We have the knowledge, the technology and the desire to help them with their payroll.
We work in all sectors including retail, wholesale, manufacturing, financial, seasonal, technology and non-profit. We remain committed to providing flexible, reliable, and prompt payroll services to keep payroll processing easy and convenient for our customers.
Today, we process payroll for clients ranging from one employee to hundreds of employees.